Emergency Milk!
The formula shortage is a nationwide public health crisis. As an infant feeding specialist, I have received many requests to learn more about increasing breastmilk supply, re-lactation, induced lactation, milk sharing, safe formula preparation, and more. Sign up for my FREE crash course to help answer all your questions.
Shaming someone for not breastfeeding or telling them they should “just breastfeed” when they are worried about how they will find food for their baby is disgusting behavior. My reply to those statements is, In no particular order, that just isn’t how breastfeeding works and it is none of your business why someone may not be breastfeeding.
Fed is not best, fed is necessary. Fed is required. Informed is best. If you are reading this because your breastfeeding journey hasn't gone the way you hoped, you are not alone. 60 % of all lactating people don't meet their goals for breastfeeding. That doesn't mean you failed. The system failed you. The system is set up to fail you. You deserve support. You made a choice to do the best you could with the information you had at the time. Unfortunately, much of that info may have felt confusing or conflicting. You may have turned to Dr. Google for answers and it all said something different. You did the best you could. You are a good parent. Breastfeeding doesn't define you as a good parent. I'm sorry it is/was so hard.
This formula shortage has people in a panic. Families are worried and becoming desperate. This is a life or death situation, particularly for those families whose babies need a special type of formula.
If you are breastfeeding, continue your journey and if you can, consider donating milk to those who may need it. If you recently stopped nursing, you might consider re-lactation. Let me know if you need support for your journey.
If your child is over the age of one, please consider NOT continuing to purchase formula as that age no longer needs it.
If your baby has no preference for a certain brand or type of formula, consider buying whatever is available of regular formula and save the special ones for those in dire need. Please do not over-purchase what you don't currently need.
If you have cans at home that you no longer need, please let me know. I have many families in need.
Saying ask your pediatrician is NOT a solution. Pediatricians don’t have the answers either. I wish they did. And they wish they did. Not feeding the baby is not an option.
Things to definitely NOT feed to a baby are: raw milk, diluted formula, and regular cow’s milk (the American Academy of Pediatrics just revised a statement on this topic for children over 6 months of age for temporary use during emergencies). These are NOT safe alternatives to feed your baby.
If you are in need of a specific type of formula for your child, let your family and friends know so they can be on the lookout for you especially if they are in other towns or states.
Find out more about Bonnie and her services at Bonnie Knows Breast.
Find me discussing more on this recent news clip: https://www.wdrb.com/news/business/baby-formula-shortage-hits-across-the-country/article_19b7ebf0-d2d7-11ec-966c-d3bd9ea173a6.html