Bonnie Knows Breast has partnered with The Milk Bank to be a designated Milk Depot donation drop-off point and Milk Express access point.
All milk access and donation is through The Milk Bank.
If you are looking to ACCESS donated milk, you can begin the process HERE. The Milk Bank has the unique ability to provide families in our communities with a readily available source of safe donor milk. Quick access to donor milk gives parents peace of mind. The Milk Bank provides safe donor milk as a medical treatment, to bridge a gap or to help meet breastfeeding goals.
If you are interested in DONATING milk, you can get more information or begin the process HERE. There is no greater gift to a family of a fragile NICU baby than donor milk. Milk donations are more than just nutrition, it’s life-saving medicine. Over 1,000 superheroes each year answer the call to save a life. Will you join them in helping a baby in need? The overall process takes approximately 32 days. While this may seem like a long time, it’s a vital step to ensuring that we go through all safety measures and health assessments necessary.
Whether you are accessing or donating milk, once you complete the initial steps with The Milk Bank, they will connect you with Bonnie Knows Breast to arrange the pick-up or drop off.
If you are a healthcare professional seeking milk access for a patient or client, you can find more information HERE.