Bonnie Logsdon Bonnie Logsdon

Is my breastfed baby eating enough? How much weight should my baby be gaining?

Good weight gain early on in your breastfeeding journey is a great sign of a solid milk supply, and that carries through for the long-term journey of breastfeeding that you may desire. If your baby isn't gaining or you're having questions about this topic, please reach out and get scheduled for a lactation visit with an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) in your area, like Bonnie and her team at Bonnie Knows Breast.

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Wellness Bonnie Logsdon Wellness Bonnie Logsdon

Breastfeeding & COVID-19

Resources have been compiled related to the importance of considering breastmilk as medicine when faced with the question of should you continue to breastfeed and the safety of breastmilk during these extraordinary times of living with the coronavirus.

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