Why become a certified lactation educator?
Certified Lactation Educators (CLE©) provide evidence-based information to the community, families, and professionals to encourage an increase in breastfeeding initiation, duration, and support. CLEs are found teaching community and hospital-based breastfeeding classes, as peer breastfeeding counselors in the hospital and public health setting, facilitation support groups, running pump rental stations and providing phone support.
This course satisfies the following:
*The 20 Hour World Health Organization Curriculum to support the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative.
*The CAPPA Lactation Educator certification step for workshop attendance. Additional fees for certification.
Concepts covered over the three days include: Lactation Professionals, History of Breastfeeding, Group Process, Learning Styles, Anatomy and Physiology of Breastfeeding, The Importance of Breastmilk and Breastfeeding, Prenatal Support and Breastfeeding issues, Birth's Impact on Breastfeeding, the Hospital Experience, Latch and the Breast Crawl, Skin To Skin, Signs of Successful Feeding, Maternal and Infant Challenges, Medications and Breastmilk, Fathers and Partners, and Curriculum Development.