Tips for Staying Healthy While Breastfeeding During Winter & Flu Season


Nourish Your Body:

  • Take Prenatal Vitamins: Continue taking a prenatal vitamin as recommended by your healthcare provider to ensure adequate nutrient intake. Rest When Baby Rests: Prioritize sleep and rest to support your immune system and overall well-being.

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to maintain milk production and overall hydration.

  • Eat Nutrient-Rich Foods: Include fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains and snacks to support energy levels and milk supply.

Milk Supply:

  • Nurse more frequently: Illness may temporarily lower milk supply due to factors like dehydration, fatigue, or stress. To support milk production, respond to your baby's cues and nurse more frequently if feeling ill.

  • Avoid Stress: Stress can impact milk production; practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or gentle exercise.

  • Skin to Skin: Keep baby skin to skin as much as possible. This is great for regulation of baby and good for your supply!

Feeding Safety:

  • It IS safe to breastfeed while sick: Your milk contains antibodies that help protect your baby, so it's safe and encouraged to continue nursing even when you're unwell. It provides essential immune support for your little one.

  • Hand Hygiene: Wash hands frequently to prevent the spread of germs to your baby.

  • Milk Storage: Remember the 4:4:6 rule for ideal milk safety. 4 hours room temp, 4 days in the fridge, and 6 months in freezer.

Medication Concerns:

  • Check with your doctor: Check with your doctor, pharmacist or lactation consultant before taking any medications or supplements. You can also check medication compatibility with breastfeeding at OR

  • Safe Cold Remedies: Use saline nasal drops or a humidifier for congestion relief rather than decongestants, which can affect milk supply.

  • Some Options for Adults: Saline Nasal Flushes, Vitamin C, Broth, Xylitol Nasal Spray, Elderberry syrup, Hot Tea, Honey (not for infants under 12m), Garlic

Staying Well:

  • Boost Immunity: A healthy diet and adequate rest support your immune system, reducing the likelihood of illnesses that could impact breastfeeding.

  • Maintain Milk Production: Proper hydration, nutrition, and rest are crucial for consistent milk supply.

  • Bonding and Well-being: Feeling healthy and rested enhances your ability to enjoy and bond with your baby during breastfeeding and postpartum.


Lactation Care IS HEALTH CARE!